Having swallowed half the Amazon, and discovering that we need to revert back to armbands, we emerged. And slept well. The following day we set out on our 8 hour trek up the mountains, encountering a shed load of coffee beans, an array of flora y fauna and a monkey making love to a teddy bear. An odd spectacle. We were also invited to zip line 5 km across the Sacred Valley. We´d stared Death in the face and high fived him on many an occasion, so galllantly, we accepted. An all too short safety briefing informed us that we were responsible for our own method of breaking, if not we risked colliding face first with the line stopper before heading over the cliff. Terrific. Rosie, equipt with rusty harness and egg cup helmet, went first, and in superman style traversed the skies with ease. I was about to take the plunge, shaking like a leaf, Mr Man spitting a count down in my ear. "THREE, TWO....oh wait. Your friend is stuck." A chanced a look across the gorge. There bounced Baps, a mere dot on the horizon, dangling over a 200m plummet, in the middle of the line. Stopped. "It is rare that the peoples break too soons," remarked Mr Man with no note of concern. Needless to say, we could hear the curses from 300 yards, and it was only half an hour after Baps was dragged to safety that I finally stopped laughing.
The 4am alarm sounded. It was time. Macchu Picchu was waiting. Pockets loaded with Haribo wiggly worms and the sacred Chips Ahoy, we began our ascent up the 2700 Incan steps leading to the Lost Valley. I´m not going to lie, this was tough. And when you´ve run out of sweets on step 3 and spend the rest of the journey staring at a Russian´s expansive derriere, it is easy to have a sense of humour failure. Nevertheless, we made it, and what a sight greeted us at the top. Calling on Planet Earth, if ever a moment, go. It is truly breathtaking. Rosie and I nailed the cheesy photos, sleepily barged our way through a selection of fat tourists, confronted a lama face to face and left having truly found ourselves on the Incan peaks. What a day.
We are currently residing in the beautiful Cusco, working in a boys orphange for three weeks and having a blast, with many a tale to tell at a later date.We miss you all and crave a hearty baked bean or two. By the by, we found Marmite the other day, for all those concerned with our health and sanity. We´re off to buy peas, rope and straws for the rather dysfunctional Olympics we´ve organised for tonight. Don´t ask. Until nexr time readership. We love you all.
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